Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Cleveland Plan
For those of you who don't know this already-Jason got the job and he accepted it. He starts October 9. We went out to dinner last night to sort out options and to see how this can work for both of us to get what we need. For right now I am going to try and find someone to move in and share the house while Jason is going to get an apartment until I can finish my sex therapy certification. Until then we will be doing the long distance thing and I will be going up to Cleveland to explore the area and see what it has to offer. I thank all of you who have listened, given advice, and been there for us during this stressful time. Keep you all posted on how things progress!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Gatlinburg Trip
Next morning Kelly's brother Wes was the first one up with his wife Laura. It took awhile for everyone to get up, especially the hung over ones. Me and Amy watched "I Know What You Did Last Summer" at 9 am as we waited for everyone. Breakfast was egg bake which was really good. We also had mimosas and after breakfast some of us were semi flat affect. I took a brief hungover nap and then met up with people at the pool. Me, Jodi, Shannon, and Amy decided to drive to Gatlinburg since some of us had never been through the town. On the way we stopped at a lookout point and me and Shannon braved the hill to get down to the water. We then went through Gatlinburg and turned around and went back. It didn't really appeal to what we thought it would be like. When we returned we all got ready for dinner and we went to the Chop House. Dinner was interesting for a few reasons. When Jodi was squeezing her lemon it went flying out of her hand and flew past Jason, Carla was trying to hit the salt shaker to unclog it but she hit it too hard and the bottom came off with all the salt falling onto the table and in her salad. Then Jodi had a steak that was as flat as paper. She had various things to say about her steak LOL!
After dinner Kelly and her family headed back to the cabin and a go cart track caught our eyes. The other 5 of us went to the go kart place. Me, Jason, and Shannon did the go karts. They were fun up until you had to go down this hill which was a little freaky. Shannon ran into the concrete bumper when she was pulling in which gave Jodi and Amy quite a laugh. Back to the cabin to pack up and do some more drinking. Me and Carla watched "Underworld:Evolution" and everyone else drifted away to sleep. The next morning we were off amd me and Jason followed Amy, Shannon, and Jodi to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. The drive home was insane as we ran into two traffic jams. It was a great getaway and thanks Kelly for inviting us all to share your birthday!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
2nd Interview
Jason got a call back for a second interview. He is going next Wednesday. I have many mixed feelings currently and are trying to weigh options, pros and cons, and all that stressful life stuff. The thing is that I feel like I have made up my mind about not wanting to move-the stressful piece is what happens next. The question I am asking is-how can we both be happy and get what we want? Maybe it's possible, maybe it's not. "What if" questions surround me as well. I don't know-too many thoughts to sort out and big decisions must be made. To top it off this all comes right before we go to Gatlinburg for Kelly's bday party. Anyone with advice? I could definitely use it!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
TV News-Read with Caution!
Here is the latest on what I know about shows coming back in the fall:
Heroes-there is going to be at least 8-10 new characters this season. Someone more evil than Sylar will be the villain. One of the brothers is alive-maybe both. Claire has moved to start fresh. Hiro will be back in the past for awhile.
Desperate Housewives-Two new couples are moving to Wisteria Lane. A gay couple will move next to Susan. She is going to clash with one of them. Dana Delaney and Nathan Fillion will be moving in and she will be Bree's nemesis as they are very much alike. I have a feeling she will discover the fake pregnancy scam. Julie befriends their daughter. The cancer storyline will continue.
Brothers and Sisters-the ex wife of Senator McAllister will be on this season. Looks like a divorce could occur as someone is not scheduled for many episodes this season.
These are the main shows I know things about. If anything else comes up exciting check back here!
Heroes-there is going to be at least 8-10 new characters this season. Someone more evil than Sylar will be the villain. One of the brothers is alive-maybe both. Claire has moved to start fresh. Hiro will be back in the past for awhile.
Desperate Housewives-Two new couples are moving to Wisteria Lane. A gay couple will move next to Susan. She is going to clash with one of them. Dana Delaney and Nathan Fillion will be moving in and she will be Bree's nemesis as they are very much alike. I have a feeling she will discover the fake pregnancy scam. Julie befriends their daughter. The cancer storyline will continue.
Brothers and Sisters-the ex wife of Senator McAllister will be on this season. Looks like a divorce could occur as someone is not scheduled for many episodes this season.
These are the main shows I know things about. If anything else comes up exciting check back here!
"Crazy/Beautiful"-So Melodramatic!

I only got this movie because I like Kirsten Dunst. Too bad I missed out on a hour and a half of my TV viewing life! This was way too much like a Lifetime special movie! Girl has issues, falls for good guy, families have issues, happy cutesy little ending! I am starting to really move away from dramas. They are driving me crazy! Anyways, if you have time to kill and need background sound and visuals-watch this. The only salvation was Jay Hernandez.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Wine & Family Therapy at B&N
It has certainly been a whirlwind weekend so far-and it's not over yet! Friday was the end of a rather crazy week for me. I met up with my niece Brandi, her boyfriend Corey, and their friends Wendy and Jared at Bravo's. Due to the mega wait we went to Barnes and Noble to hang out and wait to be buzzed. Unintentionally, me and Brandi ended up deviating from the group and found ourselves in the CD section sitting by the listening stations and dissesting our family dynamics. It was great to catch up with her and chat it up. Thanks B&N for providing a therapeutic background! Dinner was great, as was the liquid therapy (wine, martini). After that I was going to head home but ended up going to Gerry's new apartment to meet his friends. Sadly, he gave me cranked directions, I got lost, and then my cell phone died. I found the apartments and tried various ways to get the attention of wherever he may live (honked horn, flashed lights, etc.) I was about to give up but went to the newly hired security guard who was unable to help me. Thankfully at that time he came driving by with his friend and we went to Kroger's for more liquid therapy. After that we hung out and chatted in the "Serenity Garden" and drank some champagne. Had a great time, got home late and quickly went to sleep, which was well needed let me tell ya!
Saturday morning led to crazy workout class and dog park with Paris. She cracks me up because she is always so hesitant then goes wild running after the dogs. I feel sorry for her because she can never keep up with them. Anyways, Jay and Mike stopped by and we got a chance to catch up. Then after some laundry and cleaning, Beth and Gary made a quick suprise stop in to see where we live and to say hey. Unfortunately they got here right around the "we have to get showers, get dressed and get out of here for next event" time of the day. It was great to see them in my neck of the woods!
Me and Jason headed off to Colerain and met up with the aforementioned crew from Bravo's. We went to a place called Vinoklet, which was basically a winery you could eat at. We all sampled wine-including Jason, and we ended up with three bottles of three different wines. The next part of this experience was cooking our own food on this big grill. That was an experience as we almost had grilled digital camera-kudos to Jared for making the save! We enjoyed dinner and then walked around the winery snapping some pictures and laughing at Brandi as she pretended to be Julie Andrews from the Sound of Music coming down the hill. Great times were had by all and I highly recommended trying this place out if you like wine and are looking for a different dining experience.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Robot Chicken Season 3 Premiere
Many of you know my obsession with Robot Chicken as my own way of doing therapy! This is the majority of the season 3 premiere. Enjoy! And make sure you watch "The Game of Life" sketch!
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Chipotle Race
Christopher had what he called a brilliant idea tonight-let's walk to Chipotle, eat, and walk back. I was apprehensive-but not for the right reasons. It took us about 35 minutes to walk there and I was starving by the time we got there. We eat and head back. About half way there I realize why this was a really bad idea-stomach invadors attack! So the race was on to see how quickly we could get back to my house without having an explosion. Thankfully we made it safely and no incidents occurred. Note to self-never follow through on a brilliant idea of his again!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Reconnecting & Lusting in Church
I travelled down to Adams County yesterday for my sister's bday dinner at my mom's. Dinner was fine and after everyone left I went to see my old friends Beth and Gary. I have known Gary since junior high and Beth since they started dating. The great thing was that even though it has been several years, it was easy to reconnect and it did not feel like that much time had passed-except seeing their kids who used to be babies. I also met their friend Gerry who was a lot of fun as well. We went on a beer run since the county is dry-who does that? We got back and the four of us played this drinking game called drug dealer. It was slightly difficult at first because me and Gerry had never played and could not get the whole when to wink thing down. Add in alcohol and we looked like we all had Tourette's! I was up late and had a great time-plus making new friends is always fun!
Now we come to the next morning when I was abruptly awakened by my mother at 7:30. She dragged me to this church thing because my brother in law had helped build it and there was going to be a dedication. Plus my uncle goes there as well. Anyways, if any of you have seen the movie "Saved," that is the church I walked into. The only salvation was that there was a lot of eye candy, especially the piano player/singer. There were people with their arms raised in their air and I was like-I need to get out of here! I kept nudging my mother to let her know how annoyed I was that she drug me to this. Plus the dedication was only like 2 minutes! And I had to stay and listen to mass hysteria! So I daydreamed...
I imagined going up to the piano player after the service and, in the spirit of "Saved", pretending that I wanted to know more about the faith so that I could find out if we played on the same team and also to get privately seranaded along with phone number etc.-back to the making new friends piece LOL! I also counted the number of people I would do and took my mind away from the craziness. It helped a lot!
They also did a communion which I thought only Catholics did but who knows. I took some "blood" because I thought it may be wine but it was just grape juice. Ripped off again! Anyways, the prison sentence finally ended and we made a beeline for the car! Went back to my mom's, had some leftover's, and headed back up here to face laundry, Paris and Jason, and catch up on my TV!
Now we come to the next morning when I was abruptly awakened by my mother at 7:30. She dragged me to this church thing because my brother in law had helped build it and there was going to be a dedication. Plus my uncle goes there as well. Anyways, if any of you have seen the movie "Saved," that is the church I walked into. The only salvation was that there was a lot of eye candy, especially the piano player/singer. There were people with their arms raised in their air and I was like-I need to get out of here! I kept nudging my mother to let her know how annoyed I was that she drug me to this. Plus the dedication was only like 2 minutes! And I had to stay and listen to mass hysteria! So I daydreamed...
I imagined going up to the piano player after the service and, in the spirit of "Saved", pretending that I wanted to know more about the faith so that I could find out if we played on the same team and also to get privately seranaded along with phone number etc.-back to the making new friends piece LOL! I also counted the number of people I would do and took my mind away from the craziness. It helped a lot!
They also did a communion which I thought only Catholics did but who knows. I took some "blood" because I thought it may be wine but it was just grape juice. Ripped off again! Anyways, the prison sentence finally ended and we made a beeline for the car! Went back to my mom's, had some leftover's, and headed back up here to face laundry, Paris and Jason, and catch up on my TV!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Dogsitter Aker
I would be remiss if I did not elaborate on the dogsitting Aker did while she stayed at our house while we were in Cleveland. I'm glad she reminded me (see previous post) because I have my own comments to make. Here are my thoughts on how this whole dogsitting went down:
Paris sleeps and Aker plays Warcraft.
Aker eats dinner (leftovers from Buca di Peppo) and plays Warcraft.
Aker plays with Paris briefly then finds ways to occupy her. She puts Paris on the couch with her and teaches her how to be fascinated with the animation of Warcraft.
Aker sleeps on Jason's side of the bed and does not let Paris sleep between her legs. Paris settles for spooning and sleeps while Aker dreams of breakfast food and Warcraft.
Next day, Paris plays, eats, sleeps, and does her business. Aker finds ways to keep Paris occupied so that she can get lost in Warcraft land.
Overall, Paris's needs were met and she is mentally sound.
On a more serious note, I think we should all bond together and have an intervention for our beloved Aker. She has fallen into the addiction of Warcraft madness. Please contact me so that we can assemble the Holy Water and therapeutic cross examining to help her troubled soul. I will be representing the Strike Therapy modality. Anyone for the Scared Straight or Electroshock modality? : )
Paris sleeps and Aker plays Warcraft.
Aker eats dinner (leftovers from Buca di Peppo) and plays Warcraft.
Aker plays with Paris briefly then finds ways to occupy her. She puts Paris on the couch with her and teaches her how to be fascinated with the animation of Warcraft.
Aker sleeps on Jason's side of the bed and does not let Paris sleep between her legs. Paris settles for spooning and sleeps while Aker dreams of breakfast food and Warcraft.
Next day, Paris plays, eats, sleeps, and does her business. Aker finds ways to keep Paris occupied so that she can get lost in Warcraft land.
Overall, Paris's needs were met and she is mentally sound.
On a more serious note, I think we should all bond together and have an intervention for our beloved Aker. She has fallen into the addiction of Warcraft madness. Please contact me so that we can assemble the Holy Water and therapeutic cross examining to help her troubled soul. I will be representing the Strike Therapy modality. Anyone for the Scared Straight or Electroshock modality? : )
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Cleveland trip was fun for the most part. We got up there and Jason promptly took a nap. We met Joanie at a Spanish restaurant named Mallorca. It was great! I had stuffed tilapia and some drinks. It was great catching up with her and hearing, from her perspective, the pros if we ended up in Cleveland. We received complimentary almond liquer shots which I was the recycle bin for-whats new there? After that we walked back to the hotel and went to sleep. For the first time in who knows how long I slept in! It was great! I went to breakfast around 9 and came back and slept until around 11. Jason had his interview while I talked to people and got feedback on the situation. On the way home we discussed options and talked about ways we could both get our professional needs met since I recently got everything together for my sex therapy stuff. We should hear in two to three weeks if he gets a second interview or not. Until then-we wait.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A Good Feeling
Last night we traversed down to Bucca De Peppo's in Norwood to eat dinner since we did not end up going to Tennessee with Phillip. The dinner plans were Phillip's and we had a great time ribbing him for being late. Anyways, we got to the restaurant and before we started eating-Phillip made an announcement-he and Charlotte are engaged! As soon as he said we have something to tell you guys I grabbed Kelly and Jason's knees-knowing what was going to happen. Everyone was happy for them and it was a great moment. It was almost like a surreal moment that you see on TV as it fades to commercial with a great song in the background. Hearing and seeing everyone at that moment really solidified the strength of the friendships I have in my life. It also made me cringe a bit to think if Jason gets the job in Cleveland that that feeling would feel different as I would not have the same regular contact I have now. Speaking of Cleveland, we leave tomorrow after brunch and we are having dinner with my friend Joanie, who me, Kelly, and Aker went to grad school with. More on Cleveland later.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Mi Amor-This Movie Was Great!

I forgot to share my latest movie find with you all! I got this movie through Netflix and I was quite impressed! Spanish films I have seen are really rocking lately. This movie focuses on different couples (gay and straight) who meet for various reasons at the Plaza Del Sol in Spain. Things happen and certain people (they are all strangers to each other except for a few who know certain things) end up going off with the wrong person. Mistaken identities, lies, and sexual confusion ensue with a positive happy ending. I really enjoyed this film and recommend. I give it an A!
Good News Finally!!
I checked out the place I am going to rent to see my sex therapy clients today and it was really nice! Things are finally starting to take shape with me getting my certification. I already have a referral from my supevisor so I am very happy. Hopefully within the next two weeks I will be up and running and ready to change people's lives in and out of the bedroom! Thanks to all of you who have stuck through all the ups and downs with this process. Once I am certified you can all receive a free sexual health assessment as needed! : )
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Mary Poppins-Killer at Large
Aker sent me this link and I had to repost it. Disney movies written by horror fans! I love it!
The BB House is Full of Water!
Amber-I can't stand you! Every single freaking episode she cries! I am so sick of it! Please powers that be make this girl get out of the house and into therapy. Anyone who cries this often has to have a disorder. I'm suprised that everyone is not floating in the house by now. She probably keeps the hot tub and pool full for sure. Or when they need to boil water for spaghetti-Amber, we need you! That's the rant for the day.
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