Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Good Feeling

Last night we traversed down to Bucca De Peppo's in Norwood to eat dinner since we did not end up going to Tennessee with Phillip. The dinner plans were Phillip's and we had a great time ribbing him for being late. Anyways, we got to the restaurant and before we started eating-Phillip made an announcement-he and Charlotte are engaged! As soon as he said we have something to tell you guys I grabbed Kelly and Jason's knees-knowing what was going to happen. Everyone was happy for them and it was a great moment. It was almost like a surreal moment that you see on TV as it fades to commercial with a great song in the background. Hearing and seeing everyone at that moment really solidified the strength of the friendships I have in my life. It also made me cringe a bit to think if Jason gets the job in Cleveland that that feeling would feel different as I would not have the same regular contact I have now. Speaking of Cleveland, we leave tomorrow after brunch and we are having dinner with my friend Joanie, who me, Kelly, and Aker went to grad school with. More on Cleveland later.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I will be deeply saddened if you have to move. I am secretly hoping Jason doesn't get the job.