Sunday, July 29, 2007
Stray Dog Adventure
So I tried to do a good deed today and it blew up in my face. There has been a brown golden retriever without tags running around lately. In an attempt to help it out I decided to slightly befriend it. I was apprehensive at first, especially when it barked at me upon sight. However, I was directed by the police to call the sheriff. I did and waited, and waited. What I learned from this debacle is never call the sheriff for a dog issue. I followed the dog around some yards and lured it to my house with dog treats. Once I felt like it wasn't going to bite me, I got it some water and started feeding it dog food. Well, Jason left for the gym and I managed to get it in the garage where I thought it could reside until sheriff came, which I hoped would be before Jason got home from the gym. Didn't happen. Jason got home and opened the garage door. It ran and Jason discovered it had chewed on the siding around the garage door. He was not happy. So my good deed turned into crap. I felt sorry for the dog-it's nails were so long and it had a big mark on it's leg. I hope it gets to a safe place soon!
"Hairspray"-A Few Split Ends

Me and Jason watched "Hairspray" last night and it was quite a high affect movie. I knew this going into it but Jason did not know how many songs were in it. He experienced a similar situation as our friends Mike and Jay-Jay loved it like I did, Mike fell sleep briefly as did Jason. I think it's a nurse thing. Anyways, my favorite numbers are "Good Morning Baltimore," "I Hear The Bells," "Coolest Kids in Town," "Welcome to the 60's," and "Can't Stop the Beat." The end of the movie somewhat drags and feels a bit long due to the number of songs but has a very upbeat fun ending. It is identical to the original John Waters version-plus songs and dancing! I give this movie a A-.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Strike Therapy
I am inventing a new counseling theory called Strike Therapy. This is a collaborative effort with Aker, who will be the test subject. Here is how my awesome theory works:
Identify goals/need for change in life
Aid client in meeting those goals while promoting their independence to achieve on their own
Strike client when they do not follow through on the set goal
Aker got a crash course on this theory many times on the way back from WSU as I got to strike her many times. She was negatively reinforced due to not following through on a goal I set for her-doing dishes and laundry before playing Warcraft. As she will learn, it is better to reward yourself for accomplishing something then getting the reward for nothing. Further studies will be conducted on Aker so that the reliability and validity of this experiment can be determined. If anyone else would like to sign up as a subject (you know who you are!) please contact me!
Identify goals/need for change in life
Aid client in meeting those goals while promoting their independence to achieve on their own
Strike client when they do not follow through on the set goal
Aker got a crash course on this theory many times on the way back from WSU as I got to strike her many times. She was negatively reinforced due to not following through on a goal I set for her-doing dishes and laundry before playing Warcraft. As she will learn, it is better to reward yourself for accomplishing something then getting the reward for nothing. Further studies will be conducted on Aker so that the reliability and validity of this experiment can be determined. If anyone else would like to sign up as a subject (you know who you are!) please contact me!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Dog Park
So I took Paris to a dog park tonight to meet up with my co-worker Cecelia and her dog. I was initally concerned as to how this was going to work as most of you know Paris has a jumping problem. When we got into the caged in section and I unleashed her, she was initially somewhat scared as about 5 dogs bigger than her came over to sniff her and check her out. She eventually began racing around and chasing after the big dogs. Paris and Dozer, Cecelia's dog, had met before and Paris tended to chase after him. The sucky part was how dirty and wet she was from playing around. Anyways, she was exhausted upon our return and after getting some water and settling down, she got into her new cozy spot-laying against me in the recliner with me pushed to the side. Yes, these are the times she is great!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
"Thumbs" Down

OK peeps! This movie is flat affect central! I thought this movie may be slightly entertaining about a teenager who sucks his thumb. His dentist, played by the always monotone Keanu Reeves, tries hypnosis which works, but then he gets other addictions-like sex and drinking. This movie did not keep my attention as I started to fall alseep with Paris on the recliner leg about 20 minutes in. I do not recommended this film unless you are flat affect-which you can then relate to the tone of this flick. My score is D-
Sunday, July 22, 2007
"State of Mind," A Lifetime Delight
Finally! A show about counselors! I've been waiting for this since every other profession has had a show about itself. So initially I was concerned about this show being on Lifetime-you all know how I feel about this channel! But lately the network has been having more bolder, less weepy melodramatic shows. The intro episode followed Dr. Ann Bellows finding out her husband was cheating on her with their couple's counselor and a side plot I was not too involved in. A potential love interest was identified with the new lawyer tenant moving in. They should let me be a writer for this show! Anyways, there were frequent uses of slang male anatomy words that I was surprised they aired. My favorite line was when she was with a couple who were not seeing eye to eye-"If I had to live with either of you I would cut my throat!" She then went into a semi but amusing dialogue that provided her insight and helped the couple. Lifetime likes the happy endings! Anyways, I like the show, will keep watching and recommend.
Windsor Weekend

To celebrate Amy's 30th, we traveled to Windsor, Canada to have some fun and get free health care. After making multiple pit stops (Wal-Mart, Paris drop off, Wendy's), we finally began our trek. When we got there we got settled in and found Little Italy-Canada style. Dinner was nice and afterwards, we headed back to the hotel for imbibing. Me and Amy were the wild ones and Aker and Jason just observed and made witty comments about our antics (they didn't go out, Aker is old, Jason worked the night before.) The first place we hit was the Windsor Casino where I won 10 dollars and Amy lost her money. Unbeknownst to us, we waited for the free shuttle when we could have walked to the casino. Oh well!
Next we hit the dance floors and had some syringe shots which were quite tasty. We hit about three places and then traveled back to the hotel. I found a hot dog vendor which is always nice at 2 AM. We woke Aker and Jason upon our arrival and we all acted retarded til about 2 30AM.
The next thing I know I am blinded by white light as Aker flung open the blinds and created havoc in my life until after lunch. Needless to say, she received frequent pushes and negative comments throughout the day-which is not any different than usual. The breakfast debate centered on where to eat-The Lumberjack or Howard's Diner. We ended up going to the Lumberjack which was quite tasty. We learned what peameal was (form of Canadian bacon) and was made fun of by our waitress for our American ways.
Kelly and Jodi arrived around lunchtime and we went to Pepper's for Poutine (fries with gravy and cheese) and some pizza Aker was OG'ing for. We returned to the hotel, rested briefly, then hit some wineries. We all imbibed and bought some great wine. Back at the hotel, we got ready for dinner and the night out. Dinner was at a great seafood place called Lilly Kazilly's or something like that. After a few beverages, Amy was good to go as we headed to Danny's.
For the potential PG 13 readers out there I will use brief statements to discuss this experience. Lots of eyebrow raises from me, Calvin Klein everywhere, guy cavorting on the ceiling, many solid objects, low key girls until Maverick arrived, and potential dancer in our waiter. You will have to call me for more info on that adventure! After that we went back to the hotel where Jodi and Kelly went up to sleep, and the rest of us went and smoked cigars by the lake. Nice nightcap for the evening!
The last adventure came at night when Amy slept on the floor between the beds and Jodi slept on the air mattress by the AC. Me and Kelly tried to set a standard by not talking in the hopes the others would follow-they didn't. Talky talk for half an hour then silence. Around who knows when, THUD!, laughter, and OW! Aker rolled off the bed and landed on Amy's arm. We all awoke, dealt with the disturbance and went back to bed. Up the next morning and headed back to our impending jobs, schedules, and life. I'm ready to go back to Danny's-anyone with me?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The 3 P's
Poop-I came home to Paris's evacuation all over the floor and streaked over the carpet. I shut down and watched two episdoes of Days, then Big Brother, along with intermittent email checks. Dishes were also done during this time. Paris spent most of the time in her cage to avoid my having a meltdown.
Puke-Later in the night when I let Paris out, Paris chewed on her bone and then tried to get the whole thing in her mouth. The end result was puke on the floor. I again decided to shut down and digest the third P,
Peach Wine-It was from Georgia, so good! Bottle empty!
Amidst the three P's I talked to Jason at the hospital to give me some words of comfort during this trying time. I also spoke to Toot and Jason LeFebvre-did I spell that right?, who were fighting the computer universe in Warcraft. I made fun of their game and ranted on about nonsensical things. Me and Toot discussed her calling me when she woke up to go get breakfast before the Windsor adventure begins. Who knows who will call first-all I care about is getting my cereal in the morning! Night all!
Puke-Later in the night when I let Paris out, Paris chewed on her bone and then tried to get the whole thing in her mouth. The end result was puke on the floor. I again decided to shut down and digest the third P,
Peach Wine-It was from Georgia, so good! Bottle empty!
Amidst the three P's I talked to Jason at the hospital to give me some words of comfort during this trying time. I also spoke to Toot and Jason LeFebvre-did I spell that right?, who were fighting the computer universe in Warcraft. I made fun of their game and ranted on about nonsensical things. Me and Toot discussed her calling me when she woke up to go get breakfast before the Windsor adventure begins. Who knows who will call first-all I care about is getting my cereal in the morning! Night all!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The "Labryinth" is Great!
So I just saw the movie "Pan's Labyrinth" which is very good! It was quite graphic which I was not expecting! I definitely recommend this movie. The plot is simple-girl ends up living a fairy tale and has to deal with evil stepfather while trying to protect her mother and brother. Also, the sublot against the war ties nicely into what is going on with the main character. Any fantasy lovers should definitely watch!
Cry Me A River on "Big Brother 8"

So does she ever dam up? This girl cries over everything! I am so sick of her ugly squinched up tear face! Every time she is in the diary room she is crying. This week's watefalls was over playing in the Veto challenge. She needs to go apply for a Lifetime show or something! I pray to the powers that be that she is gone soon! No more tears LADY!
Monday, July 16, 2007
What's Wrong With This Picture?
So I went to work out and took the crazy cardio kickboxing class. It was a great workout and I felt great afterwards. Then when I got home I realized we were having pizza, which seems to contradict everything I just did. Sad but true I am sure I will eat more calories than I burned which makes me feel like joining the "finger four." Oh well!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Reality Check
So lately I have been feeling like I am becoming anti-social (not the personality disorder, just not wanting to be around people.) However, this is not the case. Via Jason, he helped me realize how I am changing in my social ways. For example, he works 4 nights a week which gives me four nights to do what I want, i.e. watch TV shows he doesn't like. For awhile now though, those nights have been occupied with hanging out with people, going out to dinner, movies, etc. So in an attempt to have more down time, I am going to try and have 2 Eric nights, and 2 nights for friends. This has nothing to do with the friendships I have-mostly needing time to get some things in order and do what I need to do. So, if for some reason any of you who read this feel like I am not as involved-now you understand why. It's not you-it's me.
Head to Canada if you get "Sick"o
I went to see Sicko last night with Aker and Jason. I had my doubts about seeing this film, as well as struggling to stay awake. However, this film made many good points and shows people how screwed up America is when it comes to our healthcare. In Canada and many other countries, healthcare is free. You just go, get seen, and leave. No insurance info is needed, no money is exchanged. Can you imagine what that would be like? It really made me think of the conversation I had with my mom about getting my glasses and the cost of them. Mine were roughly 160 something-hers were 400.00 without insurance. I recommend this film to anyone who wants to learn about how screwed America is getting when it comes to the care of our people. Hope known of you are denied your claims due to a past yeast infection!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Yesterday I saw the season three finale of One Tree Hill. It was a great ending! Now I have to wait until season 4 comes out on DVD to continue my obsession. I have been watching this show 5 days a week since April. Some may say thats crazy-I say it's commitment. So withdrawal is setting in and my craving for drama will have to be quenched for now via the other shows I am watching-mostly Big Brother since it is on three nights a week!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
"Transform"ed Into Adolescence

So here is my review of Transformers. First of all, visually stimulating and exciting. Secondly, Shia Lebouf got on my freaking nerves! Mostly during the search the house scene. The dialogue was very juvenile at times but I needed to remind myself-this is a movie about vehicles from another world. At times I found myself chuckling over some of the "witty" lines that most of the prepubescent male crowd found hilarious. When I see an action flick I don't like the silly dynamics and jokes about how crazy things are in the movie. Give me action! Anyways-my favorite part was when one of the Autobots made a comment about lubrication. I was the only person laughing-but it was funny. I give this movie a B+ mostly due to the dialogue that obviously was geared towards the male juvenile crowd who swoon when Optimus changes into his robot self. I'm waiting for the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween.
Ginormous Is In!
I am proud to announce that one of my favorite words that no one ever believed was a word is now official! Ginormous has become a part of the Webster Dictionary! It feels great to know I was part of the movement to make this official. Thank you all for your ridicule as you now have pie in your face!
Monday, July 9, 2007
My Eye!!!!
Today I lost my battle with contact lenses. This morning when I woke up, rather grumpy I might add due to Paris having Barkfest at 3 AM, my right eye began to sting. Now it had done this a couple times but I could not even keep my eye open! I felt like Renee Zellwegger in the upcoming remake of the popular Japanese film "The Eye." How's that for promoting a film? Anyways, I went to work with one eye open and the other throbbing. A co-worker gernerously applied drops to my eye-but this did not solve the problem. After supervision, the problem continued which forced me to bite the bullet and go to my eye doctor so the lady who has to think I am a whackjob can take the contact out. Thankfully she got it out, my eye is better, and I see funny now until I get my glasses.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The Workout To Workout
So Aker decided she wanted to work out with me this morning. I was told to call her when I woke up. My fingers got a workout as I tried to wake her up for an hour and a half. She received a phone call every half an hour from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM. We finally got to the gym and worked out and had a fun time. Then it was the breakfast debate-where to go, how long to wait, etc. The Pancake House prevailed and after working out our stomachs on crepes, eggs, pancakes, sausages, toast, and potatoes-I realized I needed to work out more. Now I wait for Paris to wake up to take her on a walk.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
One Tree Hill Obsession, i.e. I Love P. Sawyer

She started out bitchy, had an awesome catfight, has been hurt in love many times, found out she was adopted, lost her birth mother to cancer (I cried), got shot in the infamous Columbine ish episode, and continues to prevail. I have not seen season 4 yet but will get it soon!
She is not a weak woman-which you all know I have a low tolerance for-and is strong and passionate.
More on others later if I feel they need a credit here. All of you should watch it! For more reasons why you should watch what I tell you-email me.
The Good, The Bad, and The Barky
At the insistence of Aker (she held a gun to my head) I am now doing this blog/webpage here. Also at Aker's insistence (she held a knife to my throat) Paris was nominated for the first entry due to some issues I have been having lately with her. The Good-she is cute, I love her!, and she is awesome, The Bad-she impedes on Eric night when I am trying to watch all my shows!, and The Barky-if she does not have multiple walks she goes into a barking frenzy which again impedes on my tv time. Aker has created a solution of Jason and I taking her on walks which has been OK, except for a moment last night. I was trying to watch my One Tree Hill (OTH)marathon-more on that later!, and it began. She promptly got cage time so I could indulge in the emotions of Lucas and Peyton (OTH). Alas, she is like her father-playful and bitchy at times, others sedate and morose. And with that I have just published my first web blog-I feel nerdy.
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