To celebrate Amy's 30th, we traveled to Windsor, Canada to have some fun and get free health care. After making multiple pit stops (Wal-Mart, Paris drop off, Wendy's), we finally began our trek. When we got there we got settled in and found Little Italy-Canada style. Dinner was nice and afterwards, we headed back to the hotel for imbibing. Me and Amy were the wild ones and Aker and Jason just observed and made witty comments about our antics (they didn't go out, Aker is old, Jason worked the night before.) The first place we hit was the Windsor Casino where I won 10 dollars and Amy lost her money. Unbeknownst to us, we waited for the free shuttle when we could have walked to the casino. Oh well!
Next we hit the dance floors and had some syringe shots which were quite tasty. We hit about three places and then traveled back to the hotel. I found a hot dog vendor which is always nice at 2 AM. We woke Aker and Jason upon our arrival and we all acted retarded til about 2 30AM.
The next thing I know I am blinded by white light as Aker flung open the blinds and created havoc in my life until after lunch. Needless to say, she received frequent pushes and negative comments throughout the day-which is not any different than usual. The breakfast debate centered on where to eat-The Lumberjack or Howard's Diner. We ended up going to the Lumberjack which was quite tasty. We learned what peameal was (form of Canadian bacon) and was made fun of by our waitress for our American ways.
Kelly and Jodi arrived around lunchtime and we went to Pepper's for Poutine (fries with gravy and cheese) and some pizza Aker was OG'ing for. We returned to the hotel, rested briefly, then hit some wineries. We all imbibed and bought some great wine. Back at the hotel, we got ready for dinner and the night out. Dinner was at a great seafood place called Lilly Kazilly's or something like that. After a few beverages, Amy was good to go as we headed to Danny's.
For the potential PG 13 readers out there I will use brief statements to discuss this experience. Lots of eyebrow raises from me, Calvin Klein everywhere, guy cavorting on the ceiling, many solid objects, low key girls until Maverick arrived, and potential dancer in our waiter. You will have to call me for more info on that adventure! After that we went back to the hotel where Jodi and Kelly went up to sleep, and the rest of us went and smoked cigars by the lake. Nice nightcap for the evening!
The last adventure came at night when Amy slept on the floor between the beds and Jodi slept on the air mattress by the AC. Me and Kelly tried to set a standard by not talking in the hopes the others would follow-they didn't. Talky talk for half an hour then silence. Around who knows when, THUD!, laughter, and OW! Aker rolled off the bed and landed on Amy's arm. We all awoke, dealt with the disturbance and went back to bed. Up the next morning and headed back to our impending jobs, schedules, and life. I'm ready to go back to Danny's-anyone with me?
What a fantastic weekend. As always, I had so much fun with you all. And the weekend wouldn't have been complete without some of our crazy stories to tell!!
I agree the weekend rocked. I would also go back with you anytime to Danny's. LOL!!
Please don't leave out the enormous amount of flatulence that plagued the hotel room. Six animals should not be confined to such a small space. I wish the windows would have opened -- that way I could have committed suicide from the assault on my olfactory system.
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