Wednesday, December 19, 2007
O.T.H Obsession Begins Again!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Blah!
Babysitting & Cookies
Saturday was Jodi's cookie exchange Christmas party. Due to the weather some people whigged out but we still had a good time. There appeared to be a theme with chocolate as almost every single cookie people brought was chocolate. I was not complaining though! We also played some games which were fun and had a good time. Now I have even more cookies and calories to burn off than I did with the Cheryl and Co. cookies we got at work. The holidays-who wants to celebrate calorie intake! Anyone?
New Year-New Shows!
American Gladiators
The Sarah Connor Chronicles
The one postive thing about the strike is that I am reading more. I just finished a great book on sex coaching which gave me a lot of good ideas for starting a private practice. If you would like to make a donation to this cause please let me know! : )
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Wino Weekend in Cleveland
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Vampire Seeker
Myspace Survey Rant
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Gory Mayhem & A Late Night Surprise
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Trick or Treat & Baby Toot
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Cleveland Visit
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Big Move
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Salt Lake City-Hot Men and Easy Navigation!
The title says it all! I loved Salt Lake City for it's 1 in 3 ratio of hot men, Mormons too! And I also loved the fact that I could navigate the city so easily with it's numbered streets that went in accordance to the Temple Square a.k.a. Mormon Central. Our first day was spent adjusting to the not so great hotel room with the 1960's radio in it and walking downtown to the conference center where Jason's conference was being held. As we walked we came upon an intersection where two taco stands were on opposite corners. THE FOLLOWING IS NOT PC-BUT FUNNY!
I came up with an alternate reality for the taco stands. The Miguel and Lopez families had been in a bitter taco stand rivalry for years! There was another taco stand a block away and this was the Fitzgerald family who were from the wrong side of the tracks. We ran into the naughty daughter Carlita at a restaurant and determined she was sleeping with the other family's son. It was quite a scandal! Anyways, after realizing the walking was going to kill us we got a rental car and toured the city. That night we went to Trolley Square which was a lame shopping center.
I did like this city in that almost everywhere you looked there were mountains. It was nice. The second day I went to lunch at this place called Red Rock Brewery which was awesome (I ate there twice on the trip.) After that I went to check out an erotic bakery called Madam and Steve. I bought some brownies for me and Jason for later which were iced with sexual positions. Quite interesting! I then got bored and headed to the bar closest to our hotel which was called Try-angles. Get it!? The beer was cheap there and I hung out talking to some 52 yr. old guy. Which brings me to Utah's insane liqour laws. If you go to a privately owned bar or restaurant where they serve liqour, you have to become a member for 4 dollars or they will not serve you. Thankfully I only had to deal with that insanity twice! Me and Jason had dinner at the Melting Pot that night since it was restaurant week in Salt Lake. After that we went and saw the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform. It was an OK event. The songs towards the end were more entertaining than the first ones.
Friday I went on a tour to the Great Salt Lake and Kennecott Cooper Mine. It was fun and there were two other couples from Ohio on the trip. The lake was full of history and I did pay attention to this part and I did learn some things contrary to some people's beliefs that I don't like to learn! We saw brine shrimp (sea monkeys) and went to a place called Saltair which was the place to be in old Salt Lake City. After that we went to see the copper mine which was quite a sight to see. It reminded me of "North Country." After that I met up with Jason and we had dinner at a nice Italian place where I got to have a drink called Moulin Rouge. I was so excited, only to be disappointed when I found out that the drink sucked ass! We went to the bar I had been at the day before and met the "bear" club members and got an application-for educational purposes of course! It was a fun night overall. The next day we headed out after lunch and got back to Dayton way late since we got delayed in Denver. We met a guy named David on the plane who was from Atlanta. He was nice and we chatted the whole flight. Once home and after eating Taco Hell, Jason went to bed and I stayed up to begin watching all the DVR'ed shows. I didn't get far before I was out on the recliner.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Gay Movie Night, Cleveland-A Conspiracy Revealed and A New Apt!
Next morning we were off for Cleveland. We stopped and got an apartement guide and Jason can credit me for finding the apartment as I was in OCD mood scanning through the book and looking at different areas. Our first stop was Lakewood which neither of us liked-it was too brown and we did not get a good feel from the people and houses we saw. After that we headed to Westlake. On the way Jason got pulled over by a motorcycle cop. And here folks comes the conspiracy!
The cop came up and told him how fast he was going yada yaya. He does not say anything about Jason's siren light thing. Anyways, he goes back to his car and Jason realizes that he has written him a ticket. The cop comes up discusses paying the ticket and asks about the siren thing. Jason then tells him he has run paramedic and is going to be a flight nurse. The cop is like-why didn't you say something? He then proceeded like he was trying to be apologetic about the ticket and was giving him all these pointers about paying it and stuff. I was fuming! All these medical/cop people are allowing people to get off because they are in the same field-thats shitty! He didn't rip up the ticket though so Jason now has to pay that. Since we are on the side of the road, Jason begins to interview the cop about places to live. The cop gives us some ideas and then we check those out-by the way-the places sucked COP!
So after leaving the recommended area from the cop, we headed to Strongsville. We checked out a place called Polo Club which was right across from a mall. The apartment was really nice and we were sold on it after not liking the previous three places we had looked at. We checked out one other place but knew it was a good deal. So we went and got a room at a Motel 6 and then went to explore the area a bit more. There were some housing areas I liked and pretty much all the same stores are in the area that I have in here now. We went back to the motel and Jason went to sleep while I read my book. The next day we had breakfest and signed the lease. So one factor has been taken care. I have some possible roommate interviews lined up so we will see what happens.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
"Currently Watching" To Expand
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Old Friends & X-Fest
Saturday brought me my crazy gym class. There was a fun moment that I later ended up regretting. We had to do this exercise where you are on your back and your partner pushes your legs down for resistance. My partner was this guy who had never been in the class and was kinda hot. I didn't want to look like a wuss so I pushed myself too hard-more on that later. Anyways, when he was giving me resistance I got a nice view so it made it OK. That night Christopher tried to coerce me into going out to Aquarius but I was strong and stayed home to save money and to prepare for X-Fest.
The next day Aker kindly too me downtown to meet Kelly for breakfast before the shows began. We went to Panera, grabbed some bagels and took one to eat while we waited in the crazy ass line. Once we got in the fun, and the pain, began. We were low key during the first two bands but got close to the craziness for Sick Puppies who were decent. Breaking Benjamin was the best! They rocked out! Three Days Grace was good as was Seether. Throughout the day I noticed it was harder and harder for me to get up. Flashback to gym class, hot guy, and new exercise. The day wore on and me and Kelly chatted about music, life, and all the CD's she was going to make for me LOL! After the show we met up with our drivers and I met up with Aker who kindly took me home after a nutso wait at Nothing but Noodles.
When I got home I asked my personal nurse what to do about my pain as I could not stretch out completely. So, I took 800 mg. of Motrin and a Vicodin. Helped the pain tremendously and I was able to go to work the next day!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
"Prize Winner" is Golden

Loved this movie! It made me cry and hit me hard based on some of it's themes. Basic premise is a 1950's mother struggles to keep her family together by writing jingles. Father is a louse and drinks and has outbursts. I am big on movies that are visually appealing and this movie had it. It is also based on a true story which made it even more powerful. Two of the ten kids live in Ohio, one still in Defiance and the other in Cleveland-how ironic considering what's going on with that situation. It impacted me hard because my mother never got to do much and once she divorced my dad, it was just her raising me and my second oldest brother. She made sacrifices to ensure that we were taken care of and the end just really got to me. Also, Julianne Moore does a great job in this movie! I highly recommend! A+
Friday, September 14, 2007
Reply to "Pussy"
pus·sy (ps)adj. pus··si·er, pus··si·est
Containing or resembling pus.
adjective 1.
containing pus; "a purulent wound"
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Paris's Infection
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My Fall TV Schedule...or when not to call me...
Monday: Heroes- 9:00, Samantha Who-DVR'ed
Tuesday: Cane-10:00
Wednesday: Pushing Daisies-8:00, Bionic Woman-9:00, Private Practice-DVR'ed 9:00, Dirty Sexy Money-10:00
Thursday-Survivor:China-8:00, Ugly Betty-DVR'ed 8:00, Supernatural-9:00
Friday-Moonlight and Women's Murder Club-DVR'ed at 9:00
Saturday-A day off for awhile. Torchwood (DVR'ed) will continue for awhile. The Gathering starts in October-it will be DVR'ed
Sunday-Desperate Housewives-9:00, Brothers and Sisters-10:00
Drawn Together and The Sarah Silverman Show will also be on soon as well.
There you have it folks-my therapy after a long day! It's not that bad is it?
Monday, September 10, 2007
"Torchwood" is Great!

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Movie Madness!
After a night at Aquarius and getting hit on by someone I was not into, Saturday morning I watched "Highwaymen" with Jim Caviezal and Rhona Mitra. This movie was really good! Basic premise is guy kills people in hit and run. Hero searches for killer who killed his wife and then he ends up helping out the latest victim. All around good! A!
Having dishes done, house straightened up, I then watched "His Secret Life." This was a gay foreign film (foreign much better than American!) about a woman who discovers her husband had an affair with a guy after her husband dies. She then befriends the lover in an attempt to understand things. I did not like the ending but it was good in that it did not fit a sterotypical ending. Later on that night we went to Adobe Gilas for margaritas and to celebrate Adam's 30th bday! It was a good time!
Sunday brought the movie "Pretty Persuasion" which is a dark comedy about a girl who wants to be an actress and creates a scandal in her school to become in the media. This is the halfway movie as I have not finished it yet (Big Brother came on, and go Zach for finally making a smart decision!)
Sad and Confused
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Daycare Day 2 & Junie B. Jones
After work I went to Charlotte's to watch the Big Brother Double Eviction Episode. I found a children's book that I tried to entice Phillip into reading a page to me. He rejected me and after we had eaten dinner, Charlotte picked up the book and began reading the tale of "Junie B. Jones and the Big Smelly Bus." I felt like I was a little boy again sitting there watch my teacher on the green mat in 1st grade. She did a great job with the facial expressions, tone of voice and movements. It was quite interesting. Phillip, on the other hand, wanted to shoot me and strangle Charlotte for having to endure the story. Amy arrived during Chapter 4 and Junie was laid to rest.
And on Big Brother-Jessica and Eric, the lovebirds, were evicted in tonight's episode.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Paris's Daycare Adventure!

from left to right: Paris, Sierra, Pork Chop, and Gatsby
Today was Paris's first day at the ClubK-9 Doggy Daycare! Me and Jason dropped her off this morning and from what I have heard she had a blast. She made other English Bulldog friends and got to play in the swimming pool. She is currently wiped out on the recliner in dreamland. We are planning on taking her back tomorrow and Friday, but if she is this wiped out each visit we may drop it down some. The place was so cute-they had mailboxes for all the dogs to put their leashes in and little name tags. The outside area has the pool and gym equipment for the dogs to play on. I am sure she is looking forward to more canine antics tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
"Hot Fuzz" What Fun!

So we have gore, humor, and unlikely people with guns. This was a great flick! From the makers of "Shaun of the Dead" comes a movie ripe with death scenes and witty humor. I recommend this flick! It basically follows a cop who gets demoted to a stagnant safe town because he is too good of a cop. Once there, things start to go awry. His crazy sidekick is fun to watch as well. Have fun folks! Watch out for the festival scene!
Monday, September 3, 2007
WEBN Fireworks
Saturday, September 1, 2007
"Halloween" Rocks!

This movie was great! For those of you who have not seen it I highly recommend. It gives a lot more background in the character and his family. Then it kicks into high gear towards the middle of the movie and from then on it's one thing after the other. There are a few jumpy parts but this film, i.e. Rob Zombie, is mostly gory. This movie could almost overtake the popularity of the original. Big words I know but see for yourselves-unless you are too scared and then I will just make fun of you and force you to watch it an infamous movie party!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Cleveland Plan
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Gatlinburg Trip
Next morning Kelly's brother Wes was the first one up with his wife Laura. It took awhile for everyone to get up, especially the hung over ones. Me and Amy watched "I Know What You Did Last Summer" at 9 am as we waited for everyone. Breakfast was egg bake which was really good. We also had mimosas and after breakfast some of us were semi flat affect. I took a brief hungover nap and then met up with people at the pool. Me, Jodi, Shannon, and Amy decided to drive to Gatlinburg since some of us had never been through the town. On the way we stopped at a lookout point and me and Shannon braved the hill to get down to the water. We then went through Gatlinburg and turned around and went back. It didn't really appeal to what we thought it would be like. When we returned we all got ready for dinner and we went to the Chop House. Dinner was interesting for a few reasons. When Jodi was squeezing her lemon it went flying out of her hand and flew past Jason, Carla was trying to hit the salt shaker to unclog it but she hit it too hard and the bottom came off with all the salt falling onto the table and in her salad. Then Jodi had a steak that was as flat as paper. She had various things to say about her steak LOL!
After dinner Kelly and her family headed back to the cabin and a go cart track caught our eyes. The other 5 of us went to the go kart place. Me, Jason, and Shannon did the go karts. They were fun up until you had to go down this hill which was a little freaky. Shannon ran into the concrete bumper when she was pulling in which gave Jodi and Amy quite a laugh. Back to the cabin to pack up and do some more drinking. Me and Carla watched "Underworld:Evolution" and everyone else drifted away to sleep. The next morning we were off amd me and Jason followed Amy, Shannon, and Jodi to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. The drive home was insane as we ran into two traffic jams. It was a great getaway and thanks Kelly for inviting us all to share your birthday!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
2nd Interview
Sunday, August 19, 2007
TV News-Read with Caution!
Heroes-there is going to be at least 8-10 new characters this season. Someone more evil than Sylar will be the villain. One of the brothers is alive-maybe both. Claire has moved to start fresh. Hiro will be back in the past for awhile.
Desperate Housewives-Two new couples are moving to Wisteria Lane. A gay couple will move next to Susan. She is going to clash with one of them. Dana Delaney and Nathan Fillion will be moving in and she will be Bree's nemesis as they are very much alike. I have a feeling she will discover the fake pregnancy scam. Julie befriends their daughter. The cancer storyline will continue.
Brothers and Sisters-the ex wife of Senator McAllister will be on this season. Looks like a divorce could occur as someone is not scheduled for many episodes this season.
These are the main shows I know things about. If anything else comes up exciting check back here!
"Crazy/Beautiful"-So Melodramatic!

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Wine & Family Therapy at B&N
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Robot Chicken Season 3 Premiere
Many of you know my obsession with Robot Chicken as my own way of doing therapy! This is the majority of the season 3 premiere. Enjoy! And make sure you watch "The Game of Life" sketch!
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Chipotle Race
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Reconnecting & Lusting in Church
Now we come to the next morning when I was abruptly awakened by my mother at 7:30. She dragged me to this church thing because my brother in law had helped build it and there was going to be a dedication. Plus my uncle goes there as well. Anyways, if any of you have seen the movie "Saved," that is the church I walked into. The only salvation was that there was a lot of eye candy, especially the piano player/singer. There were people with their arms raised in their air and I was like-I need to get out of here! I kept nudging my mother to let her know how annoyed I was that she drug me to this. Plus the dedication was only like 2 minutes! And I had to stay and listen to mass hysteria! So I daydreamed...
I imagined going up to the piano player after the service and, in the spirit of "Saved", pretending that I wanted to know more about the faith so that I could find out if we played on the same team and also to get privately seranaded along with phone number etc.-back to the making new friends piece LOL! I also counted the number of people I would do and took my mind away from the craziness. It helped a lot!
They also did a communion which I thought only Catholics did but who knows. I took some "blood" because I thought it may be wine but it was just grape juice. Ripped off again! Anyways, the prison sentence finally ended and we made a beeline for the car! Went back to my mom's, had some leftover's, and headed back up here to face laundry, Paris and Jason, and catch up on my TV!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Dogsitter Aker
Paris sleeps and Aker plays Warcraft.
Aker eats dinner (leftovers from Buca di Peppo) and plays Warcraft.
Aker plays with Paris briefly then finds ways to occupy her. She puts Paris on the couch with her and teaches her how to be fascinated with the animation of Warcraft.
Aker sleeps on Jason's side of the bed and does not let Paris sleep between her legs. Paris settles for spooning and sleeps while Aker dreams of breakfast food and Warcraft.
Next day, Paris plays, eats, sleeps, and does her business. Aker finds ways to keep Paris occupied so that she can get lost in Warcraft land.
Overall, Paris's needs were met and she is mentally sound.
On a more serious note, I think we should all bond together and have an intervention for our beloved Aker. She has fallen into the addiction of Warcraft madness. Please contact me so that we can assemble the Holy Water and therapeutic cross examining to help her troubled soul. I will be representing the Strike Therapy modality. Anyone for the Scared Straight or Electroshock modality? : )
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A Good Feeling
Friday, August 3, 2007
Mi Amor-This Movie Was Great!

Good News Finally!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Mary Poppins-Killer at Large
The BB House is Full of Water!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Stray Dog Adventure
"Hairspray"-A Few Split Ends

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Strike Therapy
Identify goals/need for change in life
Aid client in meeting those goals while promoting their independence to achieve on their own
Strike client when they do not follow through on the set goal
Aker got a crash course on this theory many times on the way back from WSU as I got to strike her many times. She was negatively reinforced due to not following through on a goal I set for her-doing dishes and laundry before playing Warcraft. As she will learn, it is better to reward yourself for accomplishing something then getting the reward for nothing. Further studies will be conducted on Aker so that the reliability and validity of this experiment can be determined. If anyone else would like to sign up as a subject (you know who you are!) please contact me!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Dog Park
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
"Thumbs" Down

OK peeps! This movie is flat affect central! I thought this movie may be slightly entertaining about a teenager who sucks his thumb. His dentist, played by the always monotone Keanu Reeves, tries hypnosis which works, but then he gets other addictions-like sex and drinking. This movie did not keep my attention as I started to fall alseep with Paris on the recliner leg about 20 minutes in. I do not recommended this film unless you are flat affect-which you can then relate to the tone of this flick. My score is D-
Sunday, July 22, 2007
"State of Mind," A Lifetime Delight
Windsor Weekend

To celebrate Amy's 30th, we traveled to Windsor, Canada to have some fun and get free health care. After making multiple pit stops (Wal-Mart, Paris drop off, Wendy's), we finally began our trek. When we got there we got settled in and found Little Italy-Canada style. Dinner was nice and afterwards, we headed back to the hotel for imbibing. Me and Amy were the wild ones and Aker and Jason just observed and made witty comments about our antics (they didn't go out, Aker is old, Jason worked the night before.) The first place we hit was the Windsor Casino where I won 10 dollars and Amy lost her money. Unbeknownst to us, we waited for the free shuttle when we could have walked to the casino. Oh well!
Next we hit the dance floors and had some syringe shots which were quite tasty. We hit about three places and then traveled back to the hotel. I found a hot dog vendor which is always nice at 2 AM. We woke Aker and Jason upon our arrival and we all acted retarded til about 2 30AM.
The next thing I know I am blinded by white light as Aker flung open the blinds and created havoc in my life until after lunch. Needless to say, she received frequent pushes and negative comments throughout the day-which is not any different than usual. The breakfast debate centered on where to eat-The Lumberjack or Howard's Diner. We ended up going to the Lumberjack which was quite tasty. We learned what peameal was (form of Canadian bacon) and was made fun of by our waitress for our American ways.
Kelly and Jodi arrived around lunchtime and we went to Pepper's for Poutine (fries with gravy and cheese) and some pizza Aker was OG'ing for. We returned to the hotel, rested briefly, then hit some wineries. We all imbibed and bought some great wine. Back at the hotel, we got ready for dinner and the night out. Dinner was at a great seafood place called Lilly Kazilly's or something like that. After a few beverages, Amy was good to go as we headed to Danny's.
For the potential PG 13 readers out there I will use brief statements to discuss this experience. Lots of eyebrow raises from me, Calvin Klein everywhere, guy cavorting on the ceiling, many solid objects, low key girls until Maverick arrived, and potential dancer in our waiter. You will have to call me for more info on that adventure! After that we went back to the hotel where Jodi and Kelly went up to sleep, and the rest of us went and smoked cigars by the lake. Nice nightcap for the evening!
The last adventure came at night when Amy slept on the floor between the beds and Jodi slept on the air mattress by the AC. Me and Kelly tried to set a standard by not talking in the hopes the others would follow-they didn't. Talky talk for half an hour then silence. Around who knows when, THUD!, laughter, and OW! Aker rolled off the bed and landed on Amy's arm. We all awoke, dealt with the disturbance and went back to bed. Up the next morning and headed back to our impending jobs, schedules, and life. I'm ready to go back to Danny's-anyone with me?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The 3 P's
Puke-Later in the night when I let Paris out, Paris chewed on her bone and then tried to get the whole thing in her mouth. The end result was puke on the floor. I again decided to shut down and digest the third P,
Peach Wine-It was from Georgia, so good! Bottle empty!
Amidst the three P's I talked to Jason at the hospital to give me some words of comfort during this trying time. I also spoke to Toot and Jason LeFebvre-did I spell that right?, who were fighting the computer universe in Warcraft. I made fun of their game and ranted on about nonsensical things. Me and Toot discussed her calling me when she woke up to go get breakfast before the Windsor adventure begins. Who knows who will call first-all I care about is getting my cereal in the morning! Night all!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The "Labryinth" is Great!
Cry Me A River on "Big Brother 8"

So does she ever dam up? This girl cries over everything! I am so sick of her ugly squinched up tear face! Every time she is in the diary room she is crying. This week's watefalls was over playing in the Veto challenge. She needs to go apply for a Lifetime show or something! I pray to the powers that be that she is gone soon! No more tears LADY!
Monday, July 16, 2007
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Reality Check
Head to Canada if you get "Sick"o
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
"Transform"ed Into Adolescence

Ginormous Is In!
Monday, July 9, 2007
My Eye!!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The Workout To Workout
Saturday, July 7, 2007
One Tree Hill Obsession, i.e. I Love P. Sawyer

She started out bitchy, had an awesome catfight, has been hurt in love many times, found out she was adopted, lost her birth mother to cancer (I cried), got shot in the infamous Columbine ish episode, and continues to prevail. I have not seen season 4 yet but will get it soon!
She is not a weak woman-which you all know I have a low tolerance for-and is strong and passionate.
More on others later if I feel they need a credit here. All of you should watch it! For more reasons why you should watch what I tell you-email me.
The Good, The Bad, and The Barky
At the insistence of Aker (she held a gun to my head) I am now doing this blog/webpage here. Also at Aker's insistence (she held a knife to my throat) Paris was nominated for the first entry due to some issues I have been having lately with her. The Good-she is cute, I love her!, and she is awesome, The Bad-she impedes on Eric night when I am trying to watch all my shows!, and The Barky-if she does not have multiple walks she goes into a barking frenzy which again impedes on my tv time. Aker has created a solution of Jason and I taking her on walks which has been OK, except for a moment last night. I was trying to watch my One Tree Hill (OTH)marathon-more on that later!, and it began. She promptly got cage time so I could indulge in the emotions of Lucas and Peyton (OTH). Alas, she is like her father-playful and bitchy at times, others sedate and morose. And with that I have just published my first web blog-I feel nerdy.